

浏览:25460 时间:2024-04-21 分类:行业动态


2017-11-10 21861 Views iarch001
设计, 家具, 灯具, 荷兰, 埃因霍温, Kiki van Eijk, 3D打印, 金属
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Kiki van Eijk用3D打印技术创造出植物般的花灯 Kiki van Eijk creates plant-like lamps with 3D-printed flowers 由专筑网Yumi,李韧编译 在Kiki van Eijk 的花园里,她设计了一系列灯具,灵感来自于毛地黄植物。荷兰设计周期间,她展示出了这些灯具作品。 这位荷兰设计师的儿子d出生不久后,她开始了植物灯具项目的制作,当时她与搭档Joost van Bleiswijk 共同购买了3D打印设备。 Kiki van Eijk has created a collection of lights based on foxglove plants in her garden, which she presented during this year's Dutch Design Week. The Dutch designer began her Plant Lamps project soon after the birth of her son d, when her partner – and fellow designer – Joost van Bleiswijk purchased a 3D-printer.
Van Eijk开始尝试用打印机,目的是创造自己设计的毛地黄植物的形态。最终制造了一系列钟形灯罩,她将家用的LED灯泡置于这些灯罩中。 “为了这个设计项目,我在户外花费了大量的时间去寻找适合的植物。”设计师告诉Dezeen记者,“但今年春天,花园里的毛地黄引起了我的注意。” “到了花季,这种植物的花朵开得非常饱满,甚至可以呈现出各种有趣的弧线。” Van Eijk began experimenting with the printer, aiming to recreate the forms of her own foxglove plants. This resulted in a series of bell-shaped lamp shades that she has used to house LED light bulbs. "I spend a lot of time in my garden and outdoors in general," the designer told Dezeen. "But what caught my attention this spring was the digitalis – or foxgloves." "When it gets its full bloom, [the plant] starts to get top-heavy and then it starts to bend down in all sorts of funny curves."
为了保留植物的原有弧度,Van Eijk手工制作了弯曲的金属管,上方附着着花朵形状的灯罩。 为了让灯具更加实用,她还设计了混凝土底座,底座与花茎都运用了一致的色彩。 设计师将塑料通过3D打印,从而形成灯罩,并有目的地留下一些挤压痕迹。 “每朵花都并不完美。”她说,“如果运用塑料进行3D打印,将会出现一些折痕,因此你能够从中发现3D打印所留下的痕迹,这些原生的痕迹让花朵充满灵性。” “在这里你可以看到各种技术的完美结合!” To replicate these "funny curves", Van Eijk hand-bent metal tubes for the flower-shaped shades to attach to. For floor-standing models, she also designed a cast-concrete base that she pigments in the same colour as the rest of the fixture. Each of the shades is 3D-printed from bioplastic, with the extrusion marks purposefully left in place. "I love that imperfection that arises when plants get to the end of their bloom," she said. "I had the idea to 3D-print the light shades in bioplastic in very low resolution, so you'd see the structure of the printing technique and give the material more soul." "Here you see how low tech and high tech can form a perfect match!"
在荷兰设计周期间,植物灯系列是Van Eijk 和Van Bleiswijk的部分展品,展览将于一个新工作室中举办,这里曾经是电子品牌飞利浦的实验室。 展览为参观者提供了第一手的资料,让人们更好地了解设计师们如何日复一日地工作。作品的草图和模型也将被展示出来。 在此,Van Bleiswijk 还展示了新家具和灯饰收藏品。 荷兰设计周于2017年10月21号至29号在埃因霍温举行。 The Plant Lamps collection formed part of Van Eijk and Van Bleiswijk's Tinkering Labs exhibition at Dutch Design Week, which was hosted at their new studio, in a building that was once a laboratory for electronics brand Philips. The exhibition offered visitors a first-hand insight into how the designers work on a day to day basis. Collections were presented alongside the machines used to make them, as well as sketches and scaled-down models. Here, Van Bleiswijk also presented a new furniture and lighting collections. Dutch Design Week took place in Eindhoven from 21 to 29 October 2017. 本文译自www.dezeen.com/,转载请注明出处。
设计, 家具, 灯具, 荷兰, 埃因霍温, Kiki van Eijk, 3D打印, 金属



投稿邮箱:submit@iarch.cn 如何向专筑投稿?




  • 马斯别墅(Rehabilitación Masía)
  • 戊己庚大楼建筑工作室(Architecture Studio in Wujigeng Building)
  • 不同进深,不同氛围——蓝瓶咖啡青山店
  • Pedro House / VDV ARQ
  • 金州勇士队勇士队新球馆
  • The San Jorge Church and Parish Centre
  • Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu / Oval Partnership
    • 这朵花将四季盛开,照亮漫漫长夜

      浏览:25461 时间:2024-04-21 分类:行业动态


      2017-11-10 21861 Views iarch001
      设计, 家具, 灯具, 荷兰, 埃因霍温, Kiki van Eijk, 3D打印, 金属
      查看相册 View Gallery
      Kiki van Eijk用3D打印技术创造出植物般的花灯 Kiki van Eijk creates plant-like lamps with 3D-printed flowers 由专筑网Yumi,李韧编译 在Kiki van Eijk 的花园里,她设计了一系列灯具,灵感来自于毛地黄植物。荷兰设计周期间,她展示出了这些灯具作品。 这位荷兰设计师的儿子d出生不久后,她开始了植物灯具项目的制作,当时她与搭档Joost van Bleiswijk 共同购买了3D打印设备。 Kiki van Eijk has created a collection of lights based on foxglove plants in her garden, which she presented during this year's Dutch Design Week. The Dutch designer began her Plant Lamps project soon after the birth of her son d, when her partner – and fellow designer – Joost van Bleiswijk purchased a 3D-printer.
      Van Eijk开始尝试用打印机,目的是创造自己设计的毛地黄植物的形态。最终制造了一系列钟形灯罩,她将家用的LED灯泡置于这些灯罩中。 “为了这个设计项目,我在户外花费了大量的时间去寻找适合的植物。”设计师告诉Dezeen记者,“但今年春天,花园里的毛地黄引起了我的注意。” “到了花季,这种植物的花朵开得非常饱满,甚至可以呈现出各种有趣的弧线。” Van Eijk began experimenting with the printer, aiming to recreate the forms of her own foxglove plants. This resulted in a series of bell-shaped lamp shades that she has used to house LED light bulbs. "I spend a lot of time in my garden and outdoors in general," the designer told Dezeen. "But what caught my attention this spring was the digitalis – or foxgloves." "When it gets its full bloom, [the plant] starts to get top-heavy and then it starts to bend down in all sorts of funny curves."
      为了保留植物的原有弧度,Van Eijk手工制作了弯曲的金属管,上方附着着花朵形状的灯罩。 为了让灯具更加实用,她还设计了混凝土底座,底座与花茎都运用了一致的色彩。 设计师将塑料通过3D打印,从而形成灯罩,并有目的地留下一些挤压痕迹。 “每朵花都并不完美。”她说,“如果运用塑料进行3D打印,将会出现一些折痕,因此你能够从中发现3D打印所留下的痕迹,这些原生的痕迹让花朵充满灵性。” “在这里你可以看到各种技术的完美结合!” To replicate these "funny curves", Van Eijk hand-bent metal tubes for the flower-shaped shades to attach to. For floor-standing models, she also designed a cast-concrete base that she pigments in the same colour as the rest of the fixture. Each of the shades is 3D-printed from bioplastic, with the extrusion marks purposefully left in place. "I love that imperfection that arises when plants get to the end of their bloom," she said. "I had the idea to 3D-print the light shades in bioplastic in very low resolution, so you'd see the structure of the printing technique and give the material more soul." "Here you see how low tech and high tech can form a perfect match!"
      在荷兰设计周期间,植物灯系列是Van Eijk 和Van Bleiswijk的部分展品,展览将于一个新工作室中举办,这里曾经是电子品牌飞利浦的实验室。 展览为参观者提供了第一手的资料,让人们更好地了解设计师们如何日复一日地工作。作品的草图和模型也将被展示出来。 在此,Van Bleiswijk 还展示了新家具和灯饰收藏品。 荷兰设计周于2017年10月21号至29号在埃因霍温举行。 The Plant Lamps collection formed part of Van Eijk and Van Bleiswijk's Tinkering Labs exhibition at Dutch Design Week, which was hosted at their new studio, in a building that was once a laboratory for electronics brand Philips. The exhibition offered visitors a first-hand insight into how the designers work on a day to day basis. Collections were presented alongside the machines used to make them, as well as sketches and scaled-down models. Here, Van Bleiswijk also presented a new furniture and lighting collections. Dutch Design Week took place in Eindhoven from 21 to 29 October 2017. 本文译自www.dezeen.com/,转载请注明出处。
      设计, 家具, 灯具, 荷兰, 埃因霍温, Kiki van Eijk, 3D打印, 金属



      投稿邮箱:submit@iarch.cn 如何向专筑投稿?




    • 马斯别墅(Rehabilitación Masía)
    • 戊己庚大楼建筑工作室(Architecture Studio in Wujigeng Building)
    • 不同进深,不同氛围——蓝瓶咖啡青山店
    • Pedro House / VDV ARQ
    • 金州勇士队勇士队新球馆
    • The San Jorge Church and Parish Centre
    • Sino-Ocean Taikoo Li Chengdu / Oval Partnership
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