

浏览:21523 时间:2021-08-14 分类:行业动态


2018-09-05 25647 Views iarch001
设计, 产品, 凳子, 德国, 柏林, Studio 7.5, 3D打印, 混凝土
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3D混凝土打印凳子 Collection of benches woven in 3D-printed concrete 由专筑网王帅,吴静雅编译 柏林7.5设计工作室与巴黎3D打印公司XtreeE合作,设计了一系列连续打印的带有机织图案的混凝土长凳。 这三个户外长凳的打印均使用了XtreeE公司的技术和设备,这其中就有六轴3D打印机器人,它可以及其精确的打印混凝土和粘土。 Berlin-based designers Studio 7.5 collaborated with Parisian 3D printing experts XtreeE to create a series of continuously printed concrete benches with a woven pattern. The three outdoor benches were printed using XtreeE's technology and equipment, which includes a six-axis 3D-printing robot that can print concrete and clay with extreme precision.
7.5工作室曾在之前的项目中使用其它材料进行3D打印,但使用混凝土还是首次,而XtreeE公司则广泛使用了这些材料。 机械臂控制着混凝土进行交替的层打印,打印头连续振荡运动,进而缓缓地完成一层打印,该运动形成了凳子上的图案。 Studio 7.5 had worked with other 3D-printed materials on previous projects, but they had never worked with concrete – whereas XtreeE have worked extensively with the material. The concrete is printing in alternate layers by the robot head, moving in an continuous oscillating wave and slowly building up the layers. This movement creates the woven pattern.
通过3D打印,设计人员能够制造出那些只有使用昂贵模具才能制造出的模型。 这个凳子使用的混凝土量与模具生产形式相比要少很多,这极大地减少了混凝土生产过程中产生的碳排放。 By 3D printing the concrete the designers were able to create patterns that would be very expensive and challenging to create using only a mould. The benches are constructed using a minimal amount of concrete in comparison to the amount required with mould forms this reduces the carbon emissions created during the concrete production.
同时,凳子的重量也轻于实心混凝土,外表的图案对凳子的美学增添了浓墨重彩的一笔。 根据设计师所说,这种编织图案以前从未被使用过,它是专门为这款凳子开发的。自板凳推出以来,很多艺术家开始与XtreeE公司合作,开始采用这种材料。 The bench is also much lighter than it could have been in solid concrete, and the pattern plays an important role in the aesthetic of the bench. According to the designers, the woven pattern was developed specifically for the benches, and hasn't been used before. Since the launch of the bench, the material has been employed by other artists and companies working with XtreeE.
这些长凳是7.5工作室定制街道家具系列的一部分,7.5工作室与Herman Miller品牌的合作让其名声大噪。它为Herman Miller设计的Cosm椅子荣获首届Dezeen设计奖(Dezeen Design Awards)。 在荷兰,有一座用3D打印的混凝土建造的桥梁,而艾因霍温理工大学(Eindhoven University of Technology)建造了一系列3D打印混凝土住房,他们打算将这些住房用来租赁。 These benches form part of a collection of custom-made street furniture by Studio 7.5, best known for its longstanding relationship with the brand Herman Miller. the studio's Cosm Chair for Herman Miller has been longlisted for the inaugural Dezeen Design Awards. In the Netherlands a bridge has been fabricated from 3D-printed concrete and the Eindhoven University of Technology are creating a series of concrete houses that they will 3D print and make available to rent.
设计, 产品, 凳子, 德国, 柏林, Studio 7.5, 3D打印, 混凝土



投稿邮箱:submit@iarch.cn 如何向专筑投稿?




  • 奥兰治县犯罪受害者纪念馆(Orange County Crime Victims' Memo
  • 东莞篮球中心
  • Koyasan Guest House / ALPHAVILLE Architects
  • 隈研吾设计的游戏室内高低起伏的社区中心
  • An Artist Studio in Shanghai / The One House
  • 荷兰ArtA文化馆(ArtA “Civic Center” in Arnhem)
  • KCEV / Petr Hajek Architekti
  • 昆士兰雨林住宅 Planchonella House by Jesse Bennett
    • 3D打印热度褪去后,设计师重新运用该技术进行实用设计

      浏览:21524 时间:2021-08-14 分类:行业动态


      2018-09-05 25647 Views iarch001
      设计, 产品, 凳子, 德国, 柏林, Studio 7.5, 3D打印, 混凝土
      查看相册 View Gallery
      3D混凝土打印凳子 Collection of benches woven in 3D-printed concrete 由专筑网王帅,吴静雅编译 柏林7.5设计工作室与巴黎3D打印公司XtreeE合作,设计了一系列连续打印的带有机织图案的混凝土长凳。 这三个户外长凳的打印均使用了XtreeE公司的技术和设备,这其中就有六轴3D打印机器人,它可以及其精确的打印混凝土和粘土。 Berlin-based designers Studio 7.5 collaborated with Parisian 3D printing experts XtreeE to create a series of continuously printed concrete benches with a woven pattern. The three outdoor benches were printed using XtreeE's technology and equipment, which includes a six-axis 3D-printing robot that can print concrete and clay with extreme precision.
      7.5工作室曾在之前的项目中使用其它材料进行3D打印,但使用混凝土还是首次,而XtreeE公司则广泛使用了这些材料。 机械臂控制着混凝土进行交替的层打印,打印头连续振荡运动,进而缓缓地完成一层打印,该运动形成了凳子上的图案。 Studio 7.5 had worked with other 3D-printed materials on previous projects, but they had never worked with concrete – whereas XtreeE have worked extensively with the material. The concrete is printing in alternate layers by the robot head, moving in an continuous oscillating wave and slowly building up the layers. This movement creates the woven pattern.
      通过3D打印,设计人员能够制造出那些只有使用昂贵模具才能制造出的模型。 这个凳子使用的混凝土量与模具生产形式相比要少很多,这极大地减少了混凝土生产过程中产生的碳排放。 By 3D printing the concrete the designers were able to create patterns that would be very expensive and challenging to create using only a mould. The benches are constructed using a minimal amount of concrete in comparison to the amount required with mould forms this reduces the carbon emissions created during the concrete production.
      同时,凳子的重量也轻于实心混凝土,外表的图案对凳子的美学增添了浓墨重彩的一笔。 根据设计师所说,这种编织图案以前从未被使用过,它是专门为这款凳子开发的。自板凳推出以来,很多艺术家开始与XtreeE公司合作,开始采用这种材料。 The bench is also much lighter than it could have been in solid concrete, and the pattern plays an important role in the aesthetic of the bench. According to the designers, the woven pattern was developed specifically for the benches, and hasn't been used before. Since the launch of the bench, the material has been employed by other artists and companies working with XtreeE.
      这些长凳是7.5工作室定制街道家具系列的一部分,7.5工作室与Herman Miller品牌的合作让其名声大噪。它为Herman Miller设计的Cosm椅子荣获首届Dezeen设计奖(Dezeen Design Awards)。 在荷兰,有一座用3D打印的混凝土建造的桥梁,而艾因霍温理工大学(Eindhoven University of Technology)建造了一系列3D打印混凝土住房,他们打算将这些住房用来租赁。 These benches form part of a collection of custom-made street furniture by Studio 7.5, best known for its longstanding relationship with the brand Herman Miller. the studio's Cosm Chair for Herman Miller has been longlisted for the inaugural Dezeen Design Awards. In the Netherlands a bridge has been fabricated from 3D-printed concrete and the Eindhoven University of Technology are creating a series of concrete houses that they will 3D print and make available to rent.
      设计, 产品, 凳子, 德国, 柏林, Studio 7.5, 3D打印, 混凝土



      投稿邮箱:submit@iarch.cn 如何向专筑投稿?




    • 奥兰治县犯罪受害者纪念馆(Orange County Crime Victims' Memo
    • 东莞篮球中心
    • Koyasan Guest House / ALPHAVILLE Architects
    • 隈研吾设计的游戏室内高低起伏的社区中心
    • An Artist Studio in Shanghai / The One House
    • 荷兰ArtA文化馆(ArtA “Civic Center” in Arnhem)
    • KCEV / Petr Hajek Architekti
    • 昆士兰雨林住宅 Planchonella House by Jesse Bennett
      • ×
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